Revealing Why Fasting Isn’t a Good Way to Lose Weight

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Revealing Why Fasting Isn’t a Good Way to Lose Weight

For those who set a goal to lose weight by fasting, please stop and think for a moment! Because the weight loss method that many people think is effective quickly, such as fasting, is no different from a trap. In the beginning, the weight may decrease quickly, but in the long run, not only will the weight not decrease, but when you eat a little bit, the weight will easily increase.

Yo-yo effect

     The “yo-yo effect” is a common side effect of fasting. Simply put, after a severe fast, when you go back to eating normally, your body will store more energy than. Before because it’s afraid of not eating again. In addition, your energy metabolism will work less. Causing excess energy to easily stored as fat. Weight will increase quickly, making it easier to gain weight again, until it becomes an endless cycle of weight loss!

Metabolism is broken!

Metabolism is definitely broken! Because fasting causes the body to enter “energy saving for survival” mode, where the body will reduce the basal metabolic rate (BMR) to conserve the limited energy it has, causing less calorie burning even. While resting. And when you go back to eating normally. After fasting, the body will store more energy for fear of being starved again. Causing a yo-yo effect, rapid weight gain, and making it harder to lose weight in the future.

Muscle loss

     When fasting, the body will not receive energy from the food we eat. Therefore, the body must find other sources of energy to use in order for the various systems in the body to function. The reserve energy source that the body will use is glycogen store in the liver and muscles. When glycogen is use up, the body will start to break down fat and muscle to use as energy instead. This causes muscle mass to decrease and the metabolism system will also work worse.

Dull complexion

     It’s not worth it! Because the weight you lose, your skin will also deteriorate. Because fasting will cause the body to lack important nutrients that are necessary for building and repairing skin cells. For example, when there is a lack of protein, เล่น UFABET ผ่านมือถือ สะดวกทุกที่ ทุกเวลา The skin will sag and become dry. If there is a lack of vitamins and minerals, the body will not have nutrients to fight free radicals. The skin will lose its elasticity and wrinkles will appear. In addition, fasting also causes the body to become dehydrated, causing the skin to be dry, lacking moisture. The circulatory system will not work properly. The skin will eventually look worn out and dull.

Mood swings

     Fasting has a direct effect on mood. When the body lacks nutrients, especially glucose, which is the brain’s main energy source, the brain will not function at its best and can easily cause mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and depression. In addition, fasting also affects the body’s hormone levels, such as serotonin, a neurotransmitter that helps control mood, hunger, and sleep. When serotonin levels drop, mood swings and insomnia follow.